Thursday, March 3, 2011

Blog #3

          There is no doubt that the generation I is led by many social media tools, and Facebook is the most important tool. The primary goal of Facebook is to keep people connected together although the real existing distance between them. However, today the use of Facebook is shifting as it is encouraging the development of narcissism and egocentricity.
First, Facebook encourages the development of narcissism. Today, most of  Facebook users tend to give a different image of themselves. Surely there is nothing wrong with being different, but the problem is that people give only a perfect picture of themselves. Few are the people who accept to appear in a picture that does not show them in their best look. Further more, Facebook users choose to set their profiles in a way that makes them come across as active and interesting persons. Rachel Gaynes gives a good example in her article "Facebook takes narcissism to a new level" as she says "But the whole concept really is a transparent concept of self-promotion"
          Second, Facebook Encourages the development of egocentricity. A big majority of Facebook users are increasing their egocentricity by the day even if they are not egocentric by nature. Facebook make things easier to say behind the public screen than in real life, as a result people do not miss a chance to express themselves. Thus, some kind of egocentricity emerged, and consists on showing every small detail of the individual's daily life, just like people who take themselves for the center of the world. 
Rachel Gaynes illustrates this in her article "Facebook takes narcissism to a new level" when she says "The concept of being social has adapted, now requiring that a person be eternally connected and no longer differentiate between personal and public information."

          To conclude, Facebook is surely the most popular media social tool, but also one of the major elements that are developing narcissism and egocentricity in today's world. 

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