Thursday, March 31, 2011

Blog #4

Photography is surely one of the most used ways to present and compare differences. There is many different ways to express differences using photography, and this vary between photographers. By comparing Nikki S. Lee's work and Carlton Davis work, we will see in what consist those differences.
First, let's start with Nikki S. Lee's work. In her picture "The Ohio Project (7)", Lee presents the difference of roles between the two sexes in the southern heritage society. The photographer uses a large background that involves many house objects like tables, and allows to see all the room. One of the most important points in Lee's techniques is to gather the two sexes in the same picture. Lights are a very important component of a picture, and Lee opts for the room lights. This image illustrates difference as a social construct in the way that man has a protective role in the family as we can see the man in the picture holding a gun in his hands.
Second, let's see Carlton Davis work. In his picture "Stanley Nelson", Davis shows the difference between individuals of the same race. Unlike Lee who presents her work using a large background, Davis introduce his work by using a portrait. The artist here concentrates on facial expressions like the smile, and uses colors to give meaning such as the the black background or white clothes. Davis selects a light that shows only the character's face, while Lee uses the room light. This picture illustrates difference as a social construct in the way that people are differ by races, and even differ in the same race.
Photography is the common way used by Nikki S. Lee and Carlton Davis to express differences in the society, however each of the artists select a different technique to present his work. Lee focuses on the elements of the environment where people live, unlike Davis who goes for facial expressions.

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